Recent publications and news
Paper cuts
Physics of Paper Cuts
Optimal transport via surface interactions
Blood flow regulation in organs like the brain is vital. It is typically considered an active mechanism that adjusts vessel size in response to, e.g., wall shear stress. We propose an alternative process based on soft vessel contact mechanics.
All stings considered
All stings considered: Nature Physics paper on the morphology of pointed outgrowths
Dry physics: how biomaterials lose their moisture
New paper in Roy Soc Interface
Imbibition in Plant Seeds
Phys Rev E paper on water uptake in seeds
Current Opinion in Plant Biology
Brief review of phloem physics
iPhloem 2017
We are hosting the iPhloem 2017 workshop on physics, physiology and genetics of phloem transport
PRE paper on active porous materials
Active nanopores induce damped oscillations in coupled advective-diffusive transport
Tree-on-a-chip in Nature Plants
Artificial plant reveals the incredible power of passive phloem loading
Tree-on-a-chip paper
Press release by MIT News
Putting an end to sugar transport in plants
Physics and genetics of phloem unloading in roots
Our research featured on the cover of Roy Soc Interface
3D printed leaves reveal physics of stomatal patterning
New paper in Interface
Reviews of Modern Physics
Our review paper on sap flow and sugar transport in plants is out!
Green Challenge First Prize
Anneline Christensen lands first prize for her work on humidity induced convection
The Münch hypothesis
Accepted? For decades. Experimentally proven? Just now!
Postdoc position open
Application deadline: 1 June 2016
Villum Fonden Young Investigator
Kaare H. Jensen receives the 2016 Villum Foundation Young Investigator Grant
Pollen, Water, and Wind
2015 APS/DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion Award Winner
Kelp Microfluidics
Kelp utilize remarkably efficient fluidic networks
Sugar and Sweets
Order OUP Companion to Sugar and Sweets and read my contribution on plant sap
Tree Physiology
Flow though micropores influence transport in plants
Politiken on Christmas Tree Physics
Microfluidics of Conifer Needles
Needles are remarkably efficient fluidic pumps
Plant Physiology
Pico gauges for intracellular pressure measurements
Measuring viscosity using FRAP
Physics of Fluids
Fluid dynamics of microfilters
New York Times
My collaborator Michael Knoblauch interviewed by the New York Times
Sweet sap
– why some plants are sugar junkies of the natural world
Physical limits to leaf size in tall trees
on the size of plant leaves
New Scientist
on the size of plant leaves
Phloem transport in trees
Plants are optimized for rapid transport of photoassimilates